
Tuition and Fees

School fees at ISF are comprised of 2 elements: School Place Reservation and annual Tuition Fees.

School Place Reservation

A school/Kindergarten place must be reserved for each student by:

  • Payment of the School Place Reservation Fee*

The School Place Reservation Fee is payable to the parent company (ISF GmbH & Co KG).

In order to reserve a place in the school (Kindergarten or grades 1-12), a School Place Reservation Fee („Fee“) is payable to the school’s Mother Company (ISF GmbH & Co. KG) in addition to the annual school tuition. The Fee is € 2,000 per child for each of the first three years a child attends ISF.

School Place Reservation

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are paid annually either in one instalment in June or three instalments in June, September, and December. An enrollment fee or re-enrolment fee is also payable in June. Costs for school books are included in the tuition fees. Summer school fees and charges for items such as external examination fees are billed additionally. Further costs may be incurred for items such as the replacement of lost materials, for some after-school activities and for extra-curricular trips.

Download the 2025/2026 Tuition and Fees Schedule here

Download the 2024/2025 Tuition and Fees Schedule here



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