Art is a very important aspect of school life at ISF. The school has two large, specialist art rooms and two well-qualified and inspirational art teachers. All ISF students have art classes from Kindergarten through Grade 7. In Grades 8 and 9 students choose between art and music.
We are very proud of our students' artwork. Student art can be seen throughout the school: as framed work in our corridors; in our classrooms; and on large displays throughout the school.
Each year the school distributes a calendar filled with students' artwork and this calendar is eagerly anticipated by parents and students alike.
The ISF Art curriculum offers students the opportunity to explore a wide variety of artistic genres, encouraging them to develop self-expression while learning techniques of drawing, painting, sculpture, and design as well as art history.
At ISF, students also have the opportunity to participate in several art-related clubs offered by the SABIS Student Life Organization®. Every year student artwork across all grade levels is featured in the ISF Student Art Calendar and in the school’s literary magazine, "Inkwell." Senior students may also take an art portfolio class as an elective subject.
ISF art students in grades 11 and 12 go on an art trip each year with their teachers to major art galleries in Europe to carry out background research and gain inspiration from the work of major artists. Past trips have included destinations such as Paris, Berlin, and Amsterdam.
Art Qualification
IGCSE Art examinations can be taken in Grade 10, followed by either the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or the Advanced Placement (AP®) art courses in grades 11 and 12.
Many ISF art students have gone on to study art, art and design, architecture, and fashion at competitive universities in the U.K. including London School of Fashion, Loughborough University, and University of the Arts London as well as leading universities in Germany, the U.S., Singapore, and Malaysia.
Our Student Art Gallery
Please take a look at some of the amazing work from ISF students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 here.