Malta Trip for the Grade 7 Class
Grade 7 visited the island nation of Malta over the long weekend, May 14th -17th, and saw many of the concepts learned in both social studies and science class brought to life. Included were tours to Neolithic temples (which pre-date Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids), medieval walled cities, churches, catacombs, caves, and scenic bays, such as the Azure Window, Malta's most famous landmark and an excellent example of weathering and erosion. The students enjoyed delicious seafood, swimming in the Mediterranean, and even a Roman Toga Dance party on the last night. All returned to Frankfurt with full workbooks, many photos and fond memories of an unforgettable week. We give our special thanks to the teachers who chaperoned this trip - Ms. D., Hr. B., Ms. K., Mr. P., and Mr. S. and also to ISF for its support of this wonderful learning opportunity.