Oxbridge and the Ivy League Beckon for Four ISF Students!
We are delighted to announce that four of our Grade 12 students have been offered places in three of the world`s highest ranking and most prestigious universities, those of Oxford and Cambridge in England and Columbia, a member of the Ivy League, in the USA.
Amelie H. has been offered a place to study Law at Robinson College Cambridge; Kseniia S. has also been offered a place to study law in St Catherine’s College Oxford; Natalie V. has been offered a place to study psychology at King’s College Cambridge and has also been offered a place in Columbia University to study psychology/ economics/management. Finally Hyun Woo P. has been offered a place to study Natural Sciences at Churchill College Cambridge.
These outstanding achievements of our students serve again to underline the great strength of the SABIS® educational system and make all of us in ISF feel very proud to be a member of the SABIS® Network.
Amelie H. has attended ISF since Grade 4. Throughout her time she has been an outstanding student, not just academically, but also in the ways that she has contributed to the wider life of the school as an athlete, a member of the school’s highly successful debating team and Amelie has held many positions in SLO®, culminating this year in her appointment as our SLO® Head Prefect, a position that she has held with distinction.
Kseniia S. has attended ISF since Grade 2. Kseniia has also been very active in SLO®, being a peer tutor, a Shadow Teacher, an SLO® Prefect then a very active Deputy Head in charge of our Lower School Department. Kseniia’s ambition to become a lawyer has been apparent for several years. Kseniia’s keen interest in political, historical and economic issues made her ideally equipped to be a potent force in our winning ISF debating team and as a leading member of our ISF Model United Nations team.
Natalie V. has attended ISF since Grade 5 and her achievement of securing offers from both King’s College Cambridge and Columbia University in the USA is truly wonderful. Natalie has involved herself fully in the wider life of the school, leading the SLO® Management Department, founding the SLO® school newspaper and being the co-founder of a charitable foundation, which has raised a considerable sum of money to support children to gain access to education in Bolivia.
Hyun Woo P. has attended ISF since Grade 8 and his offer to study Natural Sciences at Churchill College Cambridge came as no surprise given his outstanding aptitude and passion for Biology, particularly his remarkable interest in entomology. His international outlook on life led him to be a member of our ISF Model United Nations team and to participate actively in the Habitat for Humanity charity that helps build houses for homeless people in Portugal.
We are extremely proud of the achievements of our students and we wish to extend our most sincere congratulations to them. We would also like to thank all of their teachers, who, over the years, have inspired them to reach these great heights. Finally our thanks go to their university counsellors who have assisted them with their university applications.