
School Closure

Dear ISF Community,

The situation surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, and the information and recommendations are changing as new information becomes available.  The state of Hessen has now issued a mandate for all schools to be closed from Monday, March 16th to Friday, April 17th..  While we have no cases of COVID-19 at the International School of Frankfurt Rhein-Main, we must follow the state requirements and close the school for the outlined time period. 

All ISF students should remain off campus from March 16 through April 17, 2020. If any students need to gather books or materials from school, please set up a time to do so through the student’s Academic Coordinator. All after-school activities and events during this time have been postponed until further notice.  


Learning, however, will continue, with ISF teachers uploading material to the SABIS Digital Platform (SDP) for students to cover and assignments to do each week as well as instructions for turning in any homework. On Monday, March 16, ISF staff will have an in-service day to review and prepare all lessons for the coming weeks. You will find the lessons, materials, homework, and expectations on SDP by the end of the day on Tuesday, March 17th.


In order to facilitate the learning process:

  • All students are asked to arrange a time with their Academic Coordinators to pick up their books and materials.  Access to and from the school will be limited to the main entrance, and the number of students allowed access at a time will be monitored and times provided by the coordinator.   Students will walked to their locker to get their things, and then the student will be required to leave immediately. 
  • By 5:00 PM Tuesday, March 17: Teachers will upload materials for the students to work on during the remainder of the week (March 18th -20th).
  • By 5:00 PM Friday, March 20: Teachers will upload materials for students to work on during the following week (March 23rd -27th).
  • By 5:00 PM Friday, March 27: Teachers will upload materials for students to work on during the following week (March 27rd –April 3rd).
  • April 3 – April 19:  Spring Break (no uploads)
  • April 20: Formal instruction will resume either on campus or via a new digital instruction approach online Depending on the situation at that time. If we decide to conduct digital instruction online, we will provide you with further details. 


As usual, in your daily life, please follow the guidelines provided in earlier communication and from the CDC regarding the best practices for preventing the spread of the virus.  Additionally, please submit a Travel Declaration Form (found on SDP) to us outlining any travel you or individuals in your household plan or have done over Spring Break. Please adhere to our travel guidelines sent in previous SDP postings. 


We will be updating you as more information becomes available.  If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me at crader@isf-sabis.net. You are also welcome to contact your child’s Academic Coordinator. Please find the list of coordinators below:


KG/PS Coordinator - e.mvillard-brand@isf-sabis.net

Gr 1-4 Coordinator - cjarque@isf-sabis.net

Gr 5-8 Coordinator - usrivastava@isf-sabis.net

Gr 9-10 Coordinator - drageb@isf-sabis.net

Gr 11-12 Coordinator - dlehmann@isf-sabis.net

SLO Coordinator - hbarnes@isf-sabis.net

Student Management Coordinator - vgyori@isf-sabis.net

Deputy Director - gludwig@isf-sabis.net


Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Best Regards,


Corina Rader, School Director

SABIS® Digital Platform