Senior Debate Team successfully began their 2022/23 season On Friday 25th, the Senior Debate Team successfully began their 2022/23 season. The first round was an impromptu on the motion: This House would ban cars in city centres. We were in favour of this motion and had one hour, one dictionary, and two reference books to come up with our line of argument. We took a more holistic view of the issue, but unfortunately did not come away with the win. The second round was a prepared debate on the motion: This House believes that foreign citizens with a residence permit should be allowed to vote in all elections. We were on the opposing side this time, and our practice and preparation certainly paid off as we came away with the win. Congratulations to the team and all those who helped us prepare. Many thanks to Heinrich-von-Gagern Gymnasium for hosting us. We look forward to the next round of competition in February!