A Highly Structured Academic Program with Progress Tracking, Follow Up, and Support
As a college-preparatory school, academic excellence is at the core of an ISF education. Our students receive a premium education in a vibrant, international community that is committed to helping all students aim for and achieve their full potential.
A Focused and Effective Approach
Central to academic life at ISF is the SABIS® Educational System, which provides a solid foundation for student success. The system is carefully designed, defining which concepts a student needs to learn each year to progress and breaking down those learning aims into pacing charts and even individual lesson plans.
Every lesson has a set learning objective, or point, which is shared with the students at the beginning of the lesson, engaging them in the learning process. To ensure that students master essential concepts, every lesson follows the same cycle. Using this highly effective approach, together with modern progress tracking and comprehensive support and follow-up, we help each individual student to achieve their full potential and build strong foundations that prepare them for the next level.

Curriculum and Programs
Starting in Kindergarten and continuing until graduation, the curriculum at ISF covers a broad range of academic subjects. Our curriculum enables students to develop fluency in English, German, and an additional world language of their choice. Strong emphasis is placed on English and math, as well as the sciences in secondary school, where our students prepare for external exams:
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- British-based IGCSEs
- U.S.-based Advanced Placement® program
Social studies, music, fine arts, physical education, psychology, business and economics studies, computer studies, and a number of non-traditional subjects (robotics, 3D printing, web development, among others) increasingly relevant for the world of the future, are integrated into the curriculum.
Engaging Learning Environment
At ISF, we believe that students learn best when they feel confident, safe, and engaged at school. Our experienced team of staff and teachers are committed to providing an optimal learning environment that nurtures academic achievement and challenges students to reach their full potential.
Modern Progress Tracking
Understanding the learning progress of each individual student is essential to ensure that every student develops a solid foundation of knowledge and progresses toward the achievement of his or her full potential. Formative assessments are therefore a central part of the ISF academic program.

A variety of state-of-the-art tools are used to integrate these assessments into the learning process and keep students, teachers and parents informed about current progress as well as engaged in the next steps.
Student Support Structure
At ISF, everyone involved in the learning process – students, teachers, administrators, and parents – works together to ensure that students are engaged and making the most of their school life, both academically and socially. Various support structures are in place wherever students may need them, for example learning support, advisory classes, student counselling and health and wellbeing services.

Empowering Students
We empower our students to take a leading role in their education. By involving them in learning targets, providing real-time feedback on progress and giving them opportunities to proactively close learning gaps or attain new skills, students are encouraged to take responsibility and actively influence their learning cycle.
Learning and Practicing Life Skills
In an ever-evolving world, qualities and skills such as leadership, critical thinking, communication, perseverance, grit, creativity, and teamwork are among the keys to success now and later in life. For this reason, ISF embeds into its curriculum a strong, student-led component of the school day. The SABIS® Student Life Organization promotes participation in a wide variety of activities, giving ISF students the opportunity to experience, practice, and develop this broad set of coveted life skills